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Welford Sibbertoft & Sulby School

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We have a School Association, run by parents, which works extremely hard to enhance the educational provision for the children in the school.

The Association helps the school purchase items outside the usual school budgets such as laptops and laptop trolley, music stands, playground equipment, Maypole, radio clocks, projector, handheld microphone, WSSES mugs for community events and much more, through various fundraising activities and events.

All parents are automatically members and are informed of the activities through the school newsletter.

Welcome from the Chair 

Hello everyone

I am going to tell you a little about the School Association (PTA) here at WSSES.

We are a group of parents and teachers whose main aim is to raise funds so that the school can afford to buy the extra things that the regular budget just doesn’t cover. For example we raised funds to buy laptops and laptop trolley, music stands, playground equipment, Maypole, radio clocks, projector, handheld microphone, WSSES mugs for community events and much more. These items are not cheap but through our fundraising activities we have managed to raise enough to buy them. We also contribute towards the cost of the texting service that the school uses to inform parents of events and any major announcements.

This year we are helping with the Key Stage 2 Christmas disco, organising a quiz night, holding a murder mystery evening, organising and running an Easter egg hunt, selling ice creams at sports day and finally helping to run the summer fete.

We would love your support, either just by simply turning up to the events and having a good time or else by joining the PTA and offering help wherever or whenever you can. Any contribution is welcome, whether it be baking a dozen cupcakes or running the tombola.

If you would like more information about what we do then please contact Bob Finch on 07733326700.

Bob Finch

Chair of WSSES School Association

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