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Welford Sibbertoft & Sulby School

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Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium funding is additional to schools main funding and is allocated to schools by the Government to narrow the attainment gap between pupils from disadvantaged families and their peers, where this exists. Schools can choose how to target these additional funds in order to meet the needs of pupils at risk of under-achieving based on their circumstances. Usually, pupils who are eligible for Free School Meals will receive Pupil Premium. We can support parents to fund extra-curricular clubs, trips and other opportunities with this funding. 

At Welford, Sibbertoft and Sulby Endowed School we support all our pupils to do their best regardless of background by providing high quality teaching that is supported by interventions from highly skilled teachers and teaching assistants. We welcome the additional funding that this scheme is providing to allow us to develop this provision further. 

Funding is allocated on a financial year but spending and impact is referenced to academic years. The Trust monitor the amount of Pupil Premium received and the impact of its expenditure.

Find out if your child is eligible for Free School Meals (and therefore Pupil Premium funding) by following this link: Free school meals and pupil premium | West Northamptonshire Council (westnorthants.gov.uk) 

Below you can find our three-year Pupil Premium Strategy Statement detailing how we spend the Pupil Premium and the impact it has on our pupils. 

WSSES PP Strategy Statement 2023 - 2024

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