Governors and the Academy Governance Committee (AGC)

School Governors work together on the Academy Governance Committee (AGC). This is the local aspect of PDET’s Trust-wide governance scheme. The AGC operates as a committee of the Trust Board of Directors who have delegated to it a range of responsibilities according to the Trust’s Scheme of Delegation.

A key responsibility of the AGC is for setting the school's vision and values in partnership with the academy community, ensuring they are aligned with the Trust’s overarching vision and its commitment to equality. The AGC then monitors that the vision and values are being ‘lived out’ in all aspects of the life of the academy.

The AGC also monitors, provides support and promotes development in three board areas of the academy’s operation …

  • Compliance: monitoring conformity with statutory obligations and with policies – both local and Trust-wide policies.
  • Church: preserving and developing the church school ethos, Christian values and local church relationship.
  • Community: developing and supporting engagement within the whole school community and with the local community – always embracing inclusivity.

Our AGC comprises eight members: 2 parent governors; 2 community governors; 2 church governors; a staff governor and the senior leaders. Parent governors and the staff governor are elected posts and the senior leaders serve ex officioGovernors serve a four-year term and elect a chair from among their number.


For details of Trust governance and details of the AGC's role click here:


For details of Trust governance and structure click here:


For the Trust's memorandum and articles of association, annual report, annual accounts and master funding agreement click here:


Academy Governance Committee Members



Role Type

Start date

End date

Mrs Carolyne Robinson (Chair)




Mrs Hannah Smurthwaite





Mrs Elaine Thomas




Mrs Abbie Underwood

Head of School



Mrs Sarah Lane




Mrs Jessica Sandercock


17/10/22 16/10/26
Mrs Avis Catterall




To contact the Chair of Governors, please write to Mrs Carolyne Robinson, Chair of Governors, Welford Sibbertoft and Sulby Endowed School, West Street, Welford NN6 6HU or email

Governor Attendance at AGC Meetings