At Welford we believe that children learn best in maths when concepts are broken down in to small, manageable steps. We teach using a method that first uses concrete resources to demonstrate a concept, followed by pictorial representations and finally in a more abstract way (known as the CPA approach).  The school use the White Rose Maths Hub Scheme of Work in order to achieve this. Teaching begins in our Reception Class with basic understand and recognition of numbers to 10 plus shape, space and measure concepts. 

Our Calculation Policy sets out the concrete, pictorial and abstract methods we teach for each of the four calculations and can be found below. Also  below you can view our Maths Intent Statement which details more about our approach to teaching Maths. 

In order that pupils secure basic knowledge, which underpins all future learning, we teach Key Instant Recall Facts (KIRFS) in each year group. Details of the progression in these facts can be found below. 

We use TT Rockstars to help children to learn and practice their times tables, part of the KIRFS. Pupils receive a login to the website and can take part in battles against each other, another class or even other schools. See the website here:Times Tables Rock Stars – Times Tables Rock Stars (

We celebrate Number Day each year and encourage all our pupils to become confident, knowledgeable mathematicians. 

Our Maths subject leader is Miss Kathryn O'Connor

 Calculation Policy May 2024 Addition.pdfDownload
 Calculation Policy May 2024 Division.pdfDownload
 Calculation policy May 2024 Multiplication.pdfDownload
 Calculation Policy May 24 Subtraction.pdfDownload
 KIRFs Document EYFS and Y1-6 Feb 2024.pdfDownload
 Maths Subject Statement 052021.pdfDownload
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